Thursday, May 20, 2010

One Day I'll Find You (Boys&Bugs) - Poema [lyrics in description]

Poema--sisters Elle and Shaeleen--is a new band Christian band singed to Tooth and Nail. Their unreleased song, Bugs and Boys is just so darling. It's a young, fun song about what my perfect guy is.


Kit-Kat said...

This song is so super cute. <3

R. A. said...

OMG I LOVE THAT SONG!! It's my favorite of their demos! <3
Sorry I haven't commented yet . . . I must make more time for music listening and blog commenting! ;)

lenore said...

Awww!!! I love this :)

Anonymous said...

very awesome...! (you told me to remind you to make me a new cd so there you go)


Kit-Kat said...

Yes ma'am. 'cept I have no clue when I'll see you next. :'(

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this song is soooo cute.

Rosemary, Are you a Poema fan?!?!?!!??!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!! XD TOO AWESOME! (I want a boy whos not lazy a LITLE werid but not too crazy!!!) Eat it up kat!!! =\ by the way not a word.....